Faisal Alam

Faisal Alam (Pakistan, 1977) is a gay Pakistani American who founded the Al-Fatiha Foundation, an organization dedicated to advancing the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims.[1]

Alam arrived in the United States from Pakistan in 1987, at the age of ten, and resided in the rural middle-class town of Ellington, Connecticut. In 1997, after a failed engagement to a Muslim girl[2] while he was attending Northeastern University, he started a Yahoo! Group for LGBT Muslims that quickly became very popular.[3] He founded Al-Fatiha in 1998 and served as its President until stepping down in 2004.[4] He is a member of the National Religious Leadership Roundtable and the LGBT Program of Human Rights Watch.[3]


  1. ^ "Faisal Alam Profile". The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Religious Archives Network. 2006-07-18. Archived from the original on 2008-04-16. http://web.archive.org/web/20080416142747rn_1/www.lgbtran.org/Profile.aspx?A=D&ID=13. Retrieved 2006-12-21. 
  2. ^ Guest Speaker: Faisal Alam; Queers and Allies of Faith November 11, 2002; retrieved December 21, 2006
  3. ^ a b Hidden Voices - The Lives of Queer Muslims; Wolfman Productions; retrieved December 21, 2006
  4. ^ Faisal Alam Steps Down As President of Al-Fatiha; UK Gay News August 14, 2004; retrieved December 21, 2006

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